Privacy Policy
We make every attempt to follow the privacy guidelines established by HIPAA.
Click HERE to download our HIPAA Privacy Notice
What is the HIPAA law?
All dental and medical offices are required by the HIPAA Law to create policies on how to handle PHI ( protected health information ) . Offices are also required to inform their patients/parents of these protective policies.
What is HIPAA?
It is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
What is the law for?
The law protects disclosures of confidential PHI by members of the health care industry.
What is this form I am signing?
Our form called the Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information will explain to you how our office handles your PHI ( protected health information ).
Why am I asked to sign this form?
We are required by law to give you this notice and have you sign it. We will supply copies for your files if you request one. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding this important document.