The vast majority of kids fly right through teeth eruptions with no problems, but teething can be difficult for some. Teething discomfort can be lessened by keeping your child’s gum pads clean. When the back teeth are coming in, this can cause not only discomfort, but parents report that their infant sometimes experiences fevers, blood blisters, and ear aches (which can simulate inner ear problems). To help your baby with teething, we recommend offering them a damp washcloth that has been twisted like a pretzel-rod and frozen for them to chew on. The cold reduces inflammation and the physical chewing helps the baby gently work the gums to allow the teeth to erupt. You can also use Children’s Tylenol® or Motrin® to help your child be more comfortable. There are some topical analgesics, such as PM Orabase® that are also effective, but please do NOT apply aspirin directly to gums as this can cause severe burns of the tissue. If you have any questions about teething, please call us.